Tuesday, June 29, 2010

jgn getek2

lama dh x bca novel...
strt masok matrix..smpai skrg..
bpe tahun dh tu ek..
emm..3 thun sudh..
gmbr kt ats tu antra koleksi2 novel yg aku ade...
byk g..
tpi ade yg tlh dirembat oleh my sister..
tgk2 novel d rak buku dh ilng..
rupenyer di kuching dh..aishh..
jaoh bebeno..hehe
mmg de niat nk aktifkn blik bce2 novel ni..
tpi..mcm xde mse je..
huu..nnti2 la yer..
aishh..x lme g nk msok u blik...mls nyer bile fkr sal bnyk bnde ni..huu
p/s: to si montel--->jgn getek2 t kalo dh blik u k..dush2

Thursday, June 24, 2010

award dri cik fizza

dapat award...hehe
yg ni dri cik fizza...
bru brksmptn nk post ni..hee~
ni la award die..

cutest blogger award 2010..cute ke?

bserta award ni...
adala soaln2 yg perlu d jwb..
lyn je laaa...

1) Give thanks to the blogger for this award and tag

time kasih yg tidk terhingga kepda fizza...
hehe..ni haa...
bear d bwh utkmu..chewah..

2) ROLLERCOASTER AND CHILDREN AT THE PLAYGROUND. Make 15 words from the sentence above. Dont repeat the words and make sure have meaning.

mngikut pmhmn aku..cmni la jwb kot..

15 words sudh...

sonoknyer mereka men..tringt zmn tdika..hehe

oyeahhh..bes ni..hehe

3) Put your transport picture when you go to school, work or campus

pnjg cte nii...
hehe..yer2 je..
msa tdika..g gune van..
ingt g nme kakak tu..kak aini..
slalu jdi org last d hntr blik umh..n die bnje eskem..wahh..suke2...
msa skolh rndh lak..
jln kaki je la..
skolh dkt sgt ngn umh..

mse skolh mngh n matriks..
jln kaki gak..
sbb dok hostel..
dkt je nk g kls..

ok..bila dh msok u..
ade yg jln kaki..
ade yg kne nek bas..
nek bas tu mse nk g kmpus induk stu g..ish2..
tdo2 dlu dlm bas..pas2 bru smpai destinsi..hmm..

ni bas ump..
amek dri google..
tpi bukn ni pun bas yg slalu naik..
nek bas persiaran..haha

4) Put your feveret sandal or shoes

mmndgkn hidup d byk tmpt..
mka al kishnya..
brg2 juga berada d merata tmpt..
tpi skrg ni..yg due ni la yg slalu n selesa d pkai..

5) Pass kepada blogger len
nk pass kt sape yer?
sape2 yg sudi la k..
rjin2 la amek award ni..n jwb tag..
jgn malu..jgn segann...

NisaChoc Giveaway!

coklat yummy2!!!!!!!!!
jum kwn2...
kita join giveaway nie..
wpun 'giveaway nisachoc blog'..bukn nisa yg ni nyer tau..
ni blog blogger len..hehehe..:D
kalau nk join...
bolh g kt link d bwh ni..
pmng dtntukn brdsrkn lucky draw...
arap2 leh dpt..hehehe
Love Box - Praline Chocolate with filling ( 8 cavities)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

mengidam di pagi hri

morning u ols....:)
dri smlm..
asyek trbyg2 chocolate cake..
sedp nyerrr...
xpe la..wat mse ni..tgk gmbr je dlu..hikhik

molten choclte cake


chocolate cake mmg sdp kn?hehehe..
x kurg gak ngn cheese cke..
kalo rjin cam cik eyda (blogger),leh la bljr wat cheese cke ngn die yer..hehe

sdp nyerrrr....
ada strwberry...sukaaa...

blueberry cheese cke
one of my fvret juge..hehee
tpi kn...
lgi bes kalo mkn yg de dua2..
choc n cheese..
jdila chocolate cheese cke..
triple choclte cheese cke..
ckup stkt ni je..hehe..

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Monday, June 21, 2010


"i want someone i can go to,
someone i can tell my secrets to,
someone who won't judge me for the mistakes i've made,
for the mistakes i will continue to make.
i want someone who understands.
i want someone who hears, not just listens.
i want someone who says god night to me,
and prays to God they to have the chance to say good morning.
i want someone who knows my quirks.
i want someone who wipes my tears away,although that someone is the reason why i'm crying.
i want someone who needs me.
i want someone who loves me."


i am afraid of hurting that someone
it is possible to get that someone?
can that someone accept me the way i am?
can i understnd that someone more than i understand myself?
can all these just get out of my head?
p/s: get well soon montel..

Sunday, June 20, 2010

selamat hari bapa

mnggu ni father's day..
me n siblings dh smbut awl..
mmndgkn my sis n bro in law ada skli ngn kite org..

sesi potng2 kek..
love u dad!
' hepi father's day to my dad,
thnx 4 being such a great n awesome dad!
love u soooo much!
selamat hari bapa juga kepada bloggers2 sekalian..:)
skrg dh d bintulu..
tdi smpt g kampung my dad jap..kt PUSA,sarawak..
jmpa the only nenek yg ada skrg ni..
(btolkh ejaan?hee~)
sedaappppp ooo..
sjak knduri hri tu..peyek ni asyek ada kt umh..
suka tol..hehe

Saturday, June 19, 2010

bila rindu

rndu sum1..
lgu bila rndu trngiang2 d tlinga..
p/s: nk updte ngn cte len..tpi tnggu esok je la..huuu..:(

Thursday, June 17, 2010

i'm back!

assalamualaikum w.b.t...
hai sumeee....
excited nyer..
lme dh x updte blog ni..
byg gler sawang...hahaha..
mujurlah ada si montel yg mmbri smgt n rjin mmbri wjh bru pda blog ni...
time kasih si montel!

sekmbalinya ke dunia blogging ni...
nisa msih org yg sma..
x brubh pun..hehe..
msih suke mkn sprti dlu..
ntah2 pasni asyek cta sal mknn je..ish2..
ni mushroom chckn chop..
waa...suke2..mse kt u asyek mengidm je..
tpi mse mkn ni..x abes lak mkn...
1st tyme mkn chckn chop x abes..:(
gara2 si red bean yg rsenyer aneh...huuu...
spnjg cuti sem..
sebok dgn knduri kndara..
same goes tu my older sister yg menikah pada 5 jun..n bersnding 6 jun..
congratssss along..!
maka termeterailah ikatan antara
dayang najwa dan mohd alnazirul faisal

muka bhgia along pas akd nikah..hehe

photo from mohd khairol fotosyntesis...

photo from mohd khairol fotosyntesis

photo from mohd khairol fotosyntesis
mjlis pihak lelaki pun dh slesai..
12 jun ri tu..
skrg pngntin tgh honeymoon...:)
kpda pngntn2 len..slmat pngntin baru...
smoga bhgia hingga aher hyt..hee~